What To Expect

A certificate of completion is more than a certificate to teach but rather an entry point to deeper learning.

Memorize a dialogue that will give you the groundwork to confidently move students through a 26&2 practice. This will provide the first stages of clearly and safely moving bodies in and out of postures.

Beyond the dialogue:

Embody concepts true to all movement that will take your knowledge outside of the hot room and into daily life or any other movement practice.

Teaching Techniques & Practices

  • Yoga Wall classes that offer you a different relationship to gravity.

  • YINtegration classes that will allow you the opportunity to sense your human form from the bones to the skin and beyond. Help identify problem areas and give direction on how to approach the 26&2 in a way that heals rather than hinders.

  • Posture clinics that go beyond abstract ideas of movement but are based in anatomical knowledge and clearly defined concepts. We will engage with many different tools/props to bring focussed attention to each posture.

Our Teaching Approach & Methodology

We will guide you as you explore and find your personal voicing style as a yoga instructor. By offering transparent feedback and guided reflection, we will help you apply proper dialogue during demonstration and when cueing corrections. Additionally, you will learn what to expect at the front desk and receive training to properly communicate with members regarding the studio experience, their unique needs, and how you can assist them in meeting their personal goals.

teacher training
teacher training

The Importance of Anatomy & Physiology

We will examine the physical structure of our bodies as a whole and learn the connection of posture and breath through the practice of asana and various physiological concepts. You will gain a thorough understanding of the different layers in the body and the relationship between movement with gravity.

Yoga Philosophy & Ethics

We will dive into the classic text of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and learn the origin of 26&2 and Ghosh Lineage. You will learn all of the responsibilities associated with being a yoga instructor, including the lifestyle and yogic code of ethics and practice. We also provide post-training support and mentorship beyond completion of training to ensure continuous learning and self-improvement.

The Sacred Art of Tea

Throughout the training participants will have the opportunity to explore a relationship with tea. All lectures have tea service. Whether you are a long term practitioner with tea or a novice this pairing in our training will give rise to the connection tea provides with ourselves, each other and nature. Tea can be a vital aspect of meditation!



RYT 200 Yoga Alliance

Dates: 7 Weekends * Maximum number of participants is 8 *

Starting October 2024 online dialogue check in 10/19, 10/26, 11/02

In Person November 2024 Weekends:

11/8-11/10, 11/20-11/22, 12/6-12/8, 12/20-12/22, 1/3-1/5, 1/17-1/19, & 1/31-2/2


Friday 2-8PM • Sat 6:30AM-6:30PM • Sun 6:30AM-6:30PM - Please be available for these time slots - the scheduled time will fluctuate. We will not meet the full duration each day.

• Will teach a live class the last two training weekends.

• Access to the hot room to practice throughout the training.

***memorization of the dialogue is required to receive a certificate***

Apply Now!


$50 Non-refundable application fee
Early Bird Price: $3000 Full Tuition until August 1st then $3300